
Since our intent is to compete in the high data throughput transmission market, the competition not only includes providers of SATCOM services through LEO satellites in the future, but also the existing terrestrial communications providers. The main competitors in terms of raw throughput will be fibre cables and terrestrial microwave systems, the current standard solutions for long-haul telecommunication links to rural and remote areas.

Moreover, we will compete with the existing and planned Ku/C-Band satellite networks. The combination of reliability, achieved through the use of optimised space-proven technology, ultra-high data throughput, price-performance ratio, unique features and, most importantly, solid regulatory position give us an advantage against other existing and planned satellite-based systems.

Optical Fibre System

Optical fibre systems will remain the backbone of high-density terrestrial communications networks, particularly in urban and suburban areas interlinks with a national internet exchange via coastal ‘landing points’ of international fibre cables.

Beyond these areas, the cost, technical and other difficulties rapidly increase with distance. Digging trenches for fibre is a capital-intensive operation. Laying fibre alongside other infrastructure, such as railways or power lines, leaves it exposed to damage risks. In either case, physical risks can come from natural causes, man-made accidental or deliberate damage, or even theft. Fibre is also slow to deploy, requiring the acquisition of land use rights and installation works along the route.

Microwave Communication

Microwave links are another ground-based option and are heavily used even in highly developed countries. They are a mature technology, and system costs are relatively stable although data rates continue to increase. Microwave links have a useful and economic application in transmitting large amounts of data over links of tens of kilometres long. 50 km is a typical maximum for a long-haul system, 100 km is possible but requires specialized high-power equipment and taller, hence more cost for the towers.

Our ultra-high throughput satellites will be a game changer and challenge traditional high cost providers by bringing the cost of a satellite links to well below that of microwave for longer distance applications. SATCOM broadband connections are quicker and much cheaper to deploy: they require much less planning for each link, and a SATCOM links license usually covers a whole country while each microwave link usually required separately. Our ultra-high throughput SATCOM services can co-exist in a network with microwave and fibre, complementing them by extending network coverage and providing alternative routes for high network traffic.

C. GEO Satellites:

Satellites using the Ku- and C-band frequencies are longer established than Ka- and especially Q/V-band satellites. Due to the use of lower frequency bands, they are limited in the radio spectrum bandwidth, and hence the data transmission capacity, they can provide. The highest throughput Ku-band satellite could be estimated to deliver a maximum of 25 Gbps. Typical Ku-band satellites deliver under 10 Gbps of data throughput.

Ku/C-band satellites have some advantages: they benefit from an existing base of equipment, although this equipment is capable of significantly lower data rates than newer high-band equipment. They are also less susceptible to weather and atmospheric effects, but even after these effects have been factored into the equation, our SATCOM systems are able to deliver much more data throughput and capacity than typical Ku/C-band satellites, and at a significantly lower cost per Mbps.

Ku-band satellites will, however, remain attractive for regional Direct to Home (DTH) satellite TV broadcasting, which simultaneously distributes the same content to many subscribers in a large coverage area, making good use of limited bandwidth capacity. Moreover, there is a large established base of broadcast users with legacy equipment that can be retained.

D. LEO Ka-Band Satellites (NGSO)

LEO and GEO are the two extremes when it comes to altitude. LEO satellites are much smaller and their orbits are much closer to earth, so the rockets needed to launch them are also smaller and cheaper. The downside with LEO satellites is that many LEO satellites are required and needed to cover any specific geographical area. LEO satellites orbit the Earth many times per day (15-16 times), so as each satellite flies over the coverage area, another one must follow behind it, ready to take over the communication once the first satellite has passed the area.

This also adds to the network complexity as many ground stations are needed to communicate with all these satellites and they also need to use different frequencies to avoid interfering with each other’s communication. Lower altitude means a signal takes much less time to travel to the satellite, resulting in a low latency. This is useful for real-time communication. Compare this with a GEO satellite, which is parked in the sky above the area that needs coverage and it will stay there. While GEO satellites are bigger and more expensive to deploy, the network operator can gradually add to their coverage as their business grows.